April 26-27, 2025

Entries open April 1. 2024 entries accepted via Showman.app only
ENTRIES & Check- In Process
Enter on SHOWMAN
- With the Showman.app you do NOT have to fill out entry forms or cards for individual animals at the show, but you do need to come check-in
- All entries must check in at the show office by the designated time to confirm that you are showing the animals you entered. If you don't check-in you will be considered a no-show and your entries will be scratched.
- Each exhibitor will be given an Exhibitor Number/Back Number to wear when exhibiting all animals and showmanship. You will use same number for all species both days.
- You will be able to view classes/show programs on the Showman.app on show day
- . Results will also be visible on the Showman.app after they are posted.
- Click here for JUDGES
April 26-27, 2025
- Start times differ on Saturday and Sunday. Please see schedule below for details.
- Pig, Meat Goat and Sheep shows will start with showmanship, followed by breeding then prospect market classes
- Beef show starts with breeding heifer classes then showmanship followed by prospect market classes.
- 2 rings. Both show rings are indoors. East ring is Pigs and Sheep. West ring is Goats and Cattle.
- DECLARE your weights and complete entries on Showman.app for all species, scales are available.
- Please see species/ prospect/breeding specific rules
- Show day entries accepted enter on https://showman.app/shows#/sc-showdown-spring-livestock-show - you can do this on the way to the show or when you arrive.
- All entries must check in at the show office by the designated time to confirm that you are showing the animals you entered and pick up exhibitor numbers. If you don't check-in you will be considered a no-show and your entries will be scratched.
Friday, April 25
1 pm Fairgrounds open for early arrivals.
- Tie space in barn available for cattle and tie outs for cattle- first come basis.
- Pigs, Sheep and Goats be prepared to show out of trailer.
- Limited inside/near showring individual pens for pigs, sheep and goats are available.
- Wash racks are available .
- Horse Stalls are available to stall cattle, sheep and goats - a charge of $25 per stall per night for use of horse stalls.
- Early check in/ for pre- entries and "show day" entries.
- You may check in for both days one time, all species and showmanship
- Pick up exhibitor's number, one number will be used both days for all species and showmanship you have entered.
- Sign thank you cards.
- Prior to coming to check in you must enter and declare weights on Showman.app.
- You will not receive your exhibitor number until your check-in/entry is complete and all fees are paid.
- With the Showman.app you do NOT have to fill out entry forms or cards for individual animals at the show, but you do need to come check-in
*** Check in and show start times differ on Saturday and Sunday
Saturday. April 26
7:30 am Office Opens
- You may check in for both days one time, all species and showmanship
- Pick up exhibitor's number, one number will be used both days for all species and showmanship you have entered.
- Sign thank you cards.
- Prior to coming to check in you must enter and declare weights on Showman.app.
- You will not receive your exhibitor number until your check-in/entry is complete and all fees are paid.
- With the Showman.app you do NOT have to fill out entry forms or cards for individual animals at the show, but you do need to come check-in
10 am - All SHEEP must be entered/ weights declared
9:30 am - PIG SHOW (East Ring) . Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, PEEWEE*) . Breeding Gilts. Progress Market Pigs (over 165 pounds) . Prospect Market Pigs
10 am -MEAT GOAT SHOW (West Ring) Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, PEEWEE*). Breeding Doe Kids .Prospect Market Meat Goats
Sheep Show– 30 minutes after completion of the Pig Show (East Ring) Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, PEEWEE). Breeding Ewe Lambs. Prospect Market Lambs-
11 am All CATTLE must be entered/ weights declared
1:30 pm -BEEF SHOW (West Ring) Beef show will not begin prior to 1 :30 pm - in the event that the goat show runs past 1:30 pm the beef show will start at least 30 minutes after the completion of the goat show) Breeding Heifers , Showmanship ( SR, INT, JR. Peewee*) . Prospect Market Classes
6 pm to 7 pm Early check in for Sunday
7 pm Free exhibitor and family BBQ at Fairgrounds/indoor
Exhibitor prize drawings (must be present to win). To be eligible for prizes entries must be complete.
Sunday, April 27
7 am Office opens-if you did not show or check-in Saturday
- Pick up exhibitor's number, one number will be used both days for all species and showmanship you have entered.
- Sign thank you cards.
- Prior to coming to check in you must enter and declare weights on Showman.app.
- You will not receive your exhibitor number until your check-in/entry is complete and all fees are paid.
- With the Showman.app you do NOT have to fill out entry forms or cards for individual animals at the show, but you do need to come check-in
8 a m - All PIGS and MEAT GOATS must be entered/ weights declared
9 am - PIG SHOW – (East Ring) Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, *PEEWEE) , Breeding Gilts. Progress Market Pigs (over 165 pounds) . Prospect Market Pigs
9:30 am -MEAT GOAT SHOW (West Ring) Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, *PEEWEE), Breeding Doe Kids , Prospect Market Meat Goats
10 am All CATTLE must be entered/ weights declared
11 am – All SHEEP must be entered/ weights declared
SHEEP 30 minutes after completion of the PIG Show (East Ring). Showmanship( SR, INT, JR, *PEEWEE) EWE LAMBS , PROPECT Market LAMBS
12:30 pm -BEEF SHOW (West Ring) Beef show will not begin prior to 12 :30 pm - in the event that the goat show runs past 12:30 pm the beef show will start at least 30 minutes after the completion of the goat show) Breeding Heifers, Showmanship ( SR, INT, JR, Peewee*) ,Prospect Market Classes
*Pee Wee Showmanship Class ( for non exhibitors only ) for under 7 years old , NO ENTRY REQUIRED , may borrow animals . NEW IN 2024 - Banners will be awarded to the Champion and Reserve peewee in each species. Cattle only- the peewee exhibitor MUST be able to enter the ring, lead and show the heifer or steer on their own.
- Concessions available each day
- Tack and show supplies
- Legacy Livestock Imaging, Heidi Anderson will take back drop and candid photos both days. Photos will be available through Legacy for individual purchase.