pay SC Showdown entry fees
Thank you for submitting your entries online.
However your entry is not complete until your fees are paid.
Exhibitors paying online via PayPal may pay the pre-entry fee without added late fee until 11:59 pm CST on April 21.
To avoid late fees you must pay at the time of entry. Cash only accepted on show day. No refunds.
Pre- entry fees for Swine, Sheep and Meat Goats- $25 per head. Beef $30 per head. Note you may enter gilts, ewes , doe kids and heifers in both breeding and market shows provided to pay entry fees for both shows.
Thank You, Anne Lampe- SC Showdown
To proceed with Entry Fee payment please choose each species you are entering from drop down menu the click "add to cart" below.
Payment Instructions: From this page after clicking "add to cart" you must enter the number of head if your are entering more than one in a species. If you are entering multiple species- you must select "continue shopping" on the Shopping Cart page, you will be linked back to this page to select your next species. When all species are selected proceed with payment on the shopping cart page.
The link will take you to the PayPal website to pay via PayPal with a Credit Card or Bank/Debit account.
However your entry is not complete until your fees are paid.
Exhibitors paying online via PayPal may pay the pre-entry fee without added late fee until 11:59 pm CST on April 21.
To avoid late fees you must pay at the time of entry. Cash only accepted on show day. No refunds.
Pre- entry fees for Swine, Sheep and Meat Goats- $25 per head. Beef $30 per head. Note you may enter gilts, ewes , doe kids and heifers in both breeding and market shows provided to pay entry fees for both shows.
Thank You, Anne Lampe- SC Showdown
To proceed with Entry Fee payment please choose each species you are entering from drop down menu the click "add to cart" below.
Payment Instructions: From this page after clicking "add to cart" you must enter the number of head if your are entering more than one in a species. If you are entering multiple species- you must select "continue shopping" on the Shopping Cart page, you will be linked back to this page to select your next species. When all species are selected proceed with payment on the shopping cart page.
The link will take you to the PayPal website to pay via PayPal with a Credit Card or Bank/Debit account.